Rich Dad and Poor Dad free pdf book download

 "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a personal finance and self-help book written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. First published in 1997, the book has become one of the best-selling personal finance books of all time. It presents a unique perspective on money, wealth-building, and financial education through the author's personal experiences and lessons learned from two father figures in his life: his biological father (Poor Dad) and the father of his best friend (Rich Dad).

Here's a review of "Rich Dad Poor Dad":


  1. Mindset Shift: One of the key strengths of the book is its ability to challenge traditional beliefs about money and wealth. Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of financial education, making money work for you, and building assets rather than relying solely on a traditional job.

  2. Simple and Accessible: The book uses straightforward language and storytelling to convey its lessons. This makes it accessible to readers from various backgrounds and financial knowledge levels.

  3. Emphasis on Financial Education: "Rich Dad Poor Dad" highlights the significance of financial education and encourages readers to take control of their finances and become more financially literate.

  4. Introduction to Investing: The book introduces readers to basic investing concepts and explains the difference between assets and liabilities. It encourages readers to explore different investment opportunities to achieve financial independence.

  5. Inspirational Stories: Throughout the book, Kiyosaki shares inspiring anecdotes and lessons from his own life, which make the financial concepts more relatable and motivating for readers.

  6. Cons:

    1. Lack of Specific Strategies: Some readers might find that the book lacks concrete, actionable steps to achieve financial success. While it offers valuable mindset shifts, it might not provide detailed investment or wealth-building strategies.

    2. Controversial Claims: The book has been criticized for the authenticity of the "Rich Dad" character, as some people have questioned whether he was a real person or a composite figure. This has led to debates about the credibility of the lessons presented in the book.

    3. Risky Advice: Some financial experts caution that the book's emphasis on entrepreneurship and real estate investing carries inherent risks and may not be suitable for everyone's financial situation.

    4. Simplistic View on Education: Some critics argue that the book oversimplifies the value of formal education and may undermine the importance of academic achievements in certain contexts.

    In conclusion, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a thought-provoking book that challenges conventional beliefs about money and financial success. It encourages readers to adopt a different mindset toward money, wealth-building, and financial education. While some of the book's claims and advice are controversial, it serves as a motivational starting point for individuals interested in exploring personal finance and investing. However, readers should approach the book with a critical mindset and consider seeking additional advice from financial professionals to create a well-rounded financial strategy tailored to their specific circumstances.

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